What is the NIRN-SISEP Data System?
The NIRN-SISEP Data System (SISEP.org) is a web‐based data system that allows leadership teams to complete an assessment of their efforts to develop capacity to use implementation best practices to support adoption and scaling of a practice or program. The following assessments are available:
State Capacity Assessment (SCA) - Completed by leadership teams in K-12 education settings who are accountable for aligning and organizing efforts across a broad system.
Regional Capacity Assessment (RCA) - Completed by leadership teams in K-12 education settings who are responsible for developing capacity to scale use of evidence-based practices or programs (e.g., Regional Education Agencies)
District Capacity Assessment (DCA) - Completed by leadership teams in K-12 education settings who serve as an intermediate step in between an agency accountable for aligning resources and infrastructure accountable for sustaining practices or programs at the local level (e.g., Local Education Agencies).
Drivers Best Practices Assessment (DBPA) - Completed by site-based leadership teams who are accountable for supporting practitioners or educators who are using practices or programs (e.g., Building Implementation Teams, Site-based Implementation Teams).
Observation Tool for Instructional Supports and Systems (OTISS) – Completed by coaches in K-12 education settings as a measure of instructional fidelity.
Who uses the NIRN-SISEP Data System?
The NIRN-SISEP Data System is used by personnel (teams, evaluators, decision-makers) in state K-12 education agencies and non-education organizations to both assess the capacity of the organization or agency to implement evidence-based practices and to build the action plans that will lead to improved capacity.
What does the NIRN-SISEP Data System do?
Capacity assessment scores (SCA; RCA; DCA; DBPA) that are entered electronically allow graphs and reports to be generated that depict (a) Total Scores, (b) Scale Scores, (c) Sub‐scale Scores, and (d) Individual Item Scores. These data can be used to assess current levels, monitor progress across time, and plan actions that will improve capacity to implement evidence‐based practices.
OTISS data also are entered electronically with graphs and reports generated that depict (a) average OTISS Item Scores and (b) average OTISS Total Scores at each timepoint. Reports at the school, district, regional, and state levels and further disaggregated by grade level, content area, and general/special education can be generated. These data can be used to assess the current quality, monitor progress over time, and plan actions that will improve the systems and supports available to assist teachers in using best practice for instruction.
How do I gain access to the NIRN-SISEP Data System?
To access the NIRN-SISEP Data System (SISEP.org), users will receive an account with an appropriate level of access given their role within their agency or organization. A user’s access level is determined and set by either the SISEP Center or their Agency Coordinator.
Follow these step-by-step directions to gain access to your SISEP.org account:
Step 1: Determine your requested level of access
There are three levels of access for the NIRN-SISEP Data System: Agency Coordinator, Assessment Administrator, and Read Only.
- An Agency Coordinator can add and manage users for their organization, administer assessments, edit a submitted assessment, and view assessment graphs and reports. Once an Agency Coordinator has been established for an organization, they will be asked to assume responsibility for creating new accounts and managing access for others within their organization. There can be up to two Agency Coordinators per organization.
- An Assessment Administrator can administer assessments, edit a submitted assessment, and view assessment graphs and reports.
- Read Only access allows team members to view assessment graphs and reports.
If you are requesting to be the Agency Coordinator or an Assessment Administrator, continue to Step 2.
If you are requesting Read Only access, contact your Agency Coordinator (if known) or email sisep@unc.edu and provide the following information to be used for account creation: (1) Full name, (2) email address, (3) organization, (4) scope of your organization (i.e., state, regional, district, building), (4) role within your organization, (5) your state, and (6) level of SISEP.org access you are requesting (Agency Coordinator, Assessment Administrator, or Read Only).
If you are a Technical Assistance Provider working with an agency using SISEP.org, permission is required from the agency to give you access to their SISEP.org data. Please submit a statement on organization letterhead including the name, title, and agency of the individual permitting you to access the agency’s SISEP.org data. The document can be submitted electronically to sisep@unc.edu.
Step 2: Complete assessment training
Agency Coordinators and Assessment Administrators should complete the online Capacity Assessment Administration Course. Click here to access the course, which takes approximately 1 hour to complete. After successfully completing the course, users will receive an account request form to submit in order to gain access to SISEP.org.
For district- and school building-level users interested in entering data for the Observation Tool for Instructional Supports and Systems (OTISS), additional training is necessary. Please contact sisep@unc.edu to discuss OTISS training.
Step 3: Check your email for further SISEP.org access instructions
After successfully completing the online District Capacity Assessment course with a score of 80% or above, you will receive an email with further instructions on requesting access to SISEP.org.
For more information, contact sisep@unc.edu
What is the cost to use the NIRN-SISEP Data System?
Use of the NIRN-SISEP Data System is free for interested agencies. There is no license agreement required to activate your NIRN-SISEP Data System account.